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Paperback: 978-1-61699-062-6 (1-61699-062-7)
eBook: 978-1-61699-063-3 (1-61699-063-5)

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Table of Contents

Section 1: The PM’s Role and Relationships—Being “Business Savvy
Section II: Business Savvy during Project Start-up
Section III: Business Savvy during Project Kickoff and Planning
Section IV: Business Savvy during Project Execution


About the Book

Business savvy does not mean a bagful of academic credentials, nor does it necessarily equate to a good deal of experience. So what exactly is it? Cinda Voegtli knows, and shares her knowledge with you in #BUSINESS SAVVY PM tweet Book01. Among other things, she shows you how to develop a keen sense of the company’s strategy, and of how your project fits in the big picture. You will learn the importance of staying focused on the project’s business ROI and its other customer or strategy related goals.

With clarity and focus, and without shying away from the clear-eyed decision making that good project management needs, this book sets you on the path to being business savvy–about your project, your organization and yourself.



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tweet Book01

Project Management Mindsets, Skills, and Tools for Generating Successful Business Results

by Cinda Voegtli
CEO, ProjectConnections.com

Does your job require you to manage projects? If yes, wouldn’t you like to be described as a project manager who is a successful, influential and respected leader of important efforts in the organization? Now if that already sounds like you, great! But if not, what you need to get there is known as ‘business savvy.’

Business savvy does not mean a bagful of academic credentials, nor does it necessarily equate to a good deal of experience. So what exactly is it? Cinda Voegtli knows, and she now shares it with you in #BUSINESS SAVVY PM tweet Book01.

A business savvy project leader is one who becomes an advocate for the project from the perspective of its end customers and its business value to the company. She or he focuses on clarity and communications with everyone–the project sponsors, the team and customers. The business savvy project manager knows that the success of a project depends on building relationships that engender trust. In short, such a project manager establishes herself or himself as leader from the starting line.

Cinda Voegtli‘s experience shines through, cover to cover. She discovered project management the hard way; not just the tools and techniques of managing tasks and timelines, but the hidden angles and nuances too. After receiving mixed signals about a project manager’s role from a string of initial experiences, she learned how to fulfill the most important responsibility of all–making sure that every project actually delivers meaningful results for the business. She realized that, given the time and resource constraints so many projects face, it’s easy for goals to get muddled and projects to get off track, with lots of hard work unfortunately followed by only marginal benefits to the business!

In #BUSINESS SAVVY PM tweet Book01you will perceive the path to understanding the business value of a project–and why your company is undertaking it. Among other things, you will develop a keen sense of the company’s strategy, and of how your project fits in the big picture. You will learn the importance of staying focused on the project’s business ROI and its other customer or strategy focused goals.

As one would expect from a person of her experience, Cinda Voegtli writes in the universally-actionable tweet format. You will find succinct truths like this one: A successful project manager knows that consensus is not always possible: Everyone can live with it & support it is the goal. Or hard-nosed wisdom like this: As PM, you ask yourself: Should this project even exist?

With clarity and focus, and without shying away from the clear-eyed decision making that good project management needs, #BUSINESS SAVVY PM tweet Book01sets you on the path to being business savvy–about your project, your organization and yourself.

#BUSINESS SAVVY PM tweet Book01 is part of the THiNKaha series whose 112-page books contain 140 well-thought-out quotes (tweets/ahas).


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About the Author
Cinda Voegtli
Cinda Voegtli


Cinda Voegtli is Founder and CEO of ProjectConnections.com, an online service with over 300,000 members around the world. She has more than 20 years experience in project and portfolio management, process improvement consulting, line engineering and company management. Over the years Cinda has consulted on project and portfolio management issues to a variety of companies including Tyco Healthcare/Nellcor Mallinckrodt, Mobil Oil, Pacific Bell, Dow Chemical, NASA, Schlumberger, Aviron/MedImmune Vaccines, Hewlett Packard and Lam Research. Cinda writes and speaks widely on practical real-world processes for project and portfolio management.