The Key to Being a Highly Successful Woman
Self-Love: The Key to Lead, Empower, and Transform
by Caryn Ross
Do you tackle everything with self-confidence and self-love, or are you striving to exceed expectations and grasp that inner goal of perfection? Do you often find yourself on a path of self-criticism, questioning, or fear of failure? Is it difficult to find more love for oneself, which may delay obtaining your professional and personal goals?
Many women often work in what is called “fight or flight” status. We ache for some sense of balance and often stress that everything is not getting accomplished as planned. One day, we may be at the top of our game; the next, we may feel utterly stuck.
In order to change toward the path of self love, you need to first adjust the way you view yourself inwardly. Love, security, and success come from within. With a rewiring of the mindset toward self love, you will start to cultivate positive outcomes and feelings of self worth. By believing in yourself daily, this will be the key to remarkable transformations in your life.
This book is full of 140 to-the-point messages, all designed to empower you on this path. Read them one at a time or in bulk, and find and live by those that resonate with you to be the women you want and deserve to be.
The Key to Being a Highly Successful Woman is part of the THiNKaha series, whose slim and handy books contain 140 well-thought-out AHA messages. Increase your online influence by picking up AHAthat, and easily share quotes from this book on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+ via this link:
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