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Table of Contents

Section I: Situational Awareness is a Process To Prevent, Remove and Respond
Section II: We Will Not Tell You What To Do
Section III: There are a Lot of Threats According to the FBI
Section IV: Ten Critical Skills You Need To Have
Section V: Prevent (Identify, Assess, Predict)
Section VI: Remove (Decide) and Respond (Act)
Section VII: Life Is Better With Preparation


Prepare for The Real World

The World Is Not a Safe Place

by Brian Searcy

The threats we face today are growing unprecedentedly. The events we see in the news, in our communities, schools, churches, and businesses all call for the need for all of us to learn and practice situational awareness. Situational awareness allows you to prevent, remove, and respond to threats and events that could potentially cause you or somebody else to be victims.

Based on today’s reality, we need to provide safety to our families, workplaces, and communities. Situational awareness is the key. Whether you’re the head of the family or a CEO, you need to develop situational awareness not just for yourself but also for your family, those you work with, and others in your community.

Situational awareness gives you the ability to deal with imminent threats. It also allows you to detect and manage signs of potential problems before they materialize.

Situational awareness can be learned and can significantly decrease the likelihood of victimhood from any kind of threat. It comes with preparation, critical decision-making, and development and continuous practice of your own mindset, behaviors, and processes that prepare you when you identify that something is not right. These skills should be applied in our daily lives.

Every person is different, and every situation is unique. The key is to understand when to trust your instincts—your gut feeling—and what to do even before you are faced with any source of stress, danger, or anxiety.

This book will not tell you what to do, but it will provide guidance and education on how you can develop, practice and maintain your situational awareness. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Would you rather wait for someone to solve your problems, or would you rather be #SituationallyAware and solve them yourself?

#SituationalAwareness can help you prevent something bad from happening, teach you how to remove yourself and others from that situation, and prepare you to respond in such events.

Many problems we face in life happen because we either act without thinking or think without acting. #SituationalAwareness

Learning and developing #SituationalAwareness enables you to take responsibility for your own safety and for that of your community.

Telling you what to do without providing the skills to execute only results in a false sense of security. #SituationalAwareness


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About the Author


Brian Searcy


Brian Searcy, a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel, is the founder and CEO of The Paratus Group, where he uses his decades-tested and decorated senior leadership career and military training to solve the need for relevant and effective principles in leadership. He provides training methodologies and programs for the learning of situational awareness. His vision for the company is to “Redefine How Safety is Learned” to make schools, churches, the workplace, and communities as safe as possible.

His revolutionary training on situational awareness has helped many learn how to be true first responders and taught many individuals, families, and work personnel to be “prepared to survive.”

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Hardcover: 978-1-61699-393-1 (1-61699-393-6)
Paperback: 978-1-61699-392-4 (1-61699-392-8)
eBook: 978-1-61699-391-7 (1-61699-391-X)

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