Scott Schilling on How to Live a Life of Significance


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Hardcover: 978-1-61699-249-1 (1-61699-249-2)
Paperback: 978-1-61699-248-4 (1-61699-248-4)
eBook: 978-1-61699-250-7 (1-61699-250-6)

This book is currently being written; pre-order now and receive it as soon as it’s published.


Table of Contents

Section I: What Is Significance?
Section II: How to Live a Purposeful Life.
Section III: Significance versus Success. What’s the Difference?
Section IV: Helping Others Live a Meaningful Life and Opportunity.
Section V: Boomers or Millennials: Who Desires More Significance?
Section VI: Every Decision You Make Creates an Impact.
Section VI: Steps to Take to Achieve Significance.


Scott Schilling on How to Live a Life of Significance

140 Ways to Increase Your Personal Significance in the World

by Scott Schilling

Are you completely fulfilled in your life? Or do you still have an empty feeling, with your soul searching for something more? Having a definite reason for living and putting a “why” behind every action will push you toward a joyful, fulfilling journey. What’s enough is never really enough if we aren’t content with who we are and what we have. We don’t have to compare ourselves to anyone or anything: we are all unique.

Scott Schilling on How to Live a Life of Significance, contains 140 compelling quotes gathered by the Significance Expert himself, Scott Schilling, and will inspire you to discover your purpose and become a person with a mission—someone who is happy, motivated, content, and self-assured. This will serve as your guide in finding and achieving clarity and inner peace.

Isn’t it best to wake up each morning being inspired to follow your North Star? It may be easy to achieve a remarkable success, but without purpose, we will just feel that life is passing us by. To avoid this, we need to achieve balance, set priorities, follow our passion, and live in the moment. You are valuable because you are here for a purpose, and we need to give back this purpose to the world and other people. As Winston S. Churchill once said, “It’s not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something.” So, go live life with a meaning. It will help you feel more satisfied and have greater sense of control. Live fully—today!

Scott Schilling on How to Live a Life of Significance is part of the THiNKaha series, whose slim and handy books contain 140 well-thought-out AHA messages. Increase your online influence by picking up AHAthat, and easily share quotes from this book on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+ via this link:

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About the Author


Scott Schilling
Scott Schilling


Scott Schilling is a significance expert, author, business coach, sales speaker, and consultant who is committed to providing inspired answers to today’s challenges. For more than thirty years, Scott has helped individuals, sales and marketing professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners achieve more sales and greater profitability with less effort and expense. His life’s purpose: to inspire and empower others to serve humanity through living their life’s purpose in spirit, love, and joy!

This book is currently being written; pre-order now and receive it as soon as it’s published.


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