#MOVING OUT tweet Book01
140 Bite-Sized Ideas to Help You Move to College
by Gabrielle Jasinski, Eliza Lamson, Elizabeth Wassmann, and Hannah Miller
Foreword by Michael S. Malone
Moving to college can be exciting, yet daunting. High school seniors leaving their childhood homes and heading to college receive lots of advice–from parents, siblings, counselors, and, of course, online. Even so, the guidance they will find in #MOVING OUT tweet presents unique value. That’s because this new book represents the collective firsthand experience of four college students with rich and diverse experiences and with genuine intent to help out young people taking their first steps away from home.
The authors–Santa Clara University students Gabrielle Jasinski, Eliza Lamson, Elizabeth Wassmann, and Hannah Miller–understand and respect the all-too-common dilemmas of college freshmen. How do I cook? What do I cook? Who will do my laundry? Where do I go when I just need a hug? Addressing these basics first, the authors then move on to provide guidance that goes beyond the essentials and actually focus on enriching and adding breadth to the college experience.
Young college students themselves, the authors know that the unknown can be frightening. No matter how excited students might be to move to college, it is totally understandable to feel a tinge of nerves. And students are not the only ones feeling nervous; parents feel anxiety, too. It is clear that the authors understand this, because they address parental concerns with skill and empathy.
#MOVING OUT tweet follows a six-step progression, starting with the pre-move period (typically the senior year of high school) to the long-term–the four years of college and beyond. Written in the easy-to-absorb tweet format, the book will help students to familiarize themselves with many aspects of this new world away from home. Parents too will find immediate value in this book, as it helps their children make a smoother, easier transition to college life. Ultimately, this book will work as a support system for students during and after the big move and will provide answers to the questions that come up during this time of intense change and excitement.
#MOVING OUT tweet is part of the THiNKaha series whose slim and handy books contain 140 well-thought-out quotes (tweets/ahas).
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“As clever as it is practical, #MOVING OUT tweet is not just useful and candid advice for students, but is also a joy for grads and parents to read. I highly recommend it.”
– Ron Hansen, Author, She Loves Me Not: New and Selected Stories
“As someone not living in the real world yet, I embrace these recommendations wholeheartedly! Remember, high school seniors, as these colleagues warn you, ‘the end is near.’ But college is groovy, and if you play your cards right, you can become a professor and stay there forever! Lap up the wisdom that bulks large in these fortune cookies.”
– John Hawley, Department Chair—English, Santa Clara University
“#SMARTSTUFF. Wise and witty advice for making the leap from high school bedroom to college dorm room, from four recent grads who not only survived, but thrived.”
– Barbara Kelley, Author, Undecided: How to Ditch the Endless Quest for Perfect and Find the Career—and Life—That’s Right for You
“This tweet book is great. The insight and wisdom offered in this book will be an invaluable resource for any high school senior. The nuggets of information are well organized and address all the major concerns that students have regarding the daunting college process. I think it is a book that every guidance counselor should have as required reading for their seniors.”
– John Klasen, Counselor, Glenbrook South High School