For fresh college graduates who are walking out into the real world for the first time, help in the form of a realistic and supportive guidebook is at hand. #AFTER COLLEGE tweetprovides pointers for moving forward. It shows recent graduates how to reconcile the reality of their situations with the promise of the lucrative jobs they might have expected to fall into their laps. Written by college graduates who are trying to find their place in the world themselves, the book clearly demonstrates a firm grasp on the truths of life after college and what must be done to preserve balance in a time of uncertainty. Affiliate LinkThe affiliate link for #AFTER COLLEGE tweet Book01 is: IMPORTANT: Please replace the XXXXXX’s in this code with your affiliate ID in order to receive credit. Be sure to test your links after implementation. This link should forward your customers to For the images below, please right click with your mouse and download the image. Matthew Chow, AuthorJonathan Chu, AuthorOther author images: 1 | 2 | 3 Book Art