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Health innovators want–and need–to know the best strategy to adopt to increase their chances of market success. There are many things that can get in the way. What I find again and again is that innovators either confuse or interchange the processes of launch and commercialization, or they focus completely on one and ignore the other.

This book is written for health innovators who want to discover not only how to avoid failure, but also how to adopt the key components of an early adoption commercialization strategy. By applying these insights, health innovators will not only increase their chances of success, but ensure that they are making the most of their healthcare innovations.

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Dr. Roxie Mooney, Author

Dr. Roxie Mooney

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How Health Innovators Maximize Market Success How Health Innovators Maximize Market Success How Health Innovators Maximize Market Success

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How Health Innovators Maximize Market Success How Health Innovators Maximize Market Success How Health Innovators Maximize Market Success

How Health Innovators Maximize Market Success How Health Innovators Maximize Market Success How Health Innovators Maximize Market Success