Building Your Sales Team


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Hardcover: 978-1-61699-317-7 1-61699-317-0
Paperback: 978-1-61699-316-0 1-61699-316-2
eBook: 978-1-61699-315-3 1-61699-315-4

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Table of Contents

Section I: It’s the Customer, Basically
Section II: Are Your Goals Steady?
Section III: Developing Your Sales Model and Organizing Your Chaos
Section IV: Operations—It Just IS
Section V: Support Structures Complete You
Section VI: Sales and Marketing Alignment—It’s the WHOLE World
Section VII: Managing the Team = Help Me Help You
Section VIII: General Skills and Tips—Read These! They Have Some of the Best Advice





Building Your Sales Team

Beyond People, Process, and Technology

by Diane Updyke

In the business world, there are many moving parts to consider when creating a team to grow your brand. It’s an ecosystem and not an individual sport. A sales team is one of the most essential groups in your business to increase revenues as it’s on the frontlines and part of the voice of your brand. Growing one entails a great deal of hard work that includes interfacing with marketing, product management, customer care, and operational tasks to incorporate cross-functional goals. Several of those point-of-views are presented here with insights.

Even once your team and systems are already set up, one important thing that top executives will tell you from experience is about execution: how you build and make your own sales team function efficiently. This is because we rarely get to live Plan A. Plan B is how we adapt. There will always be external factors that hinder you in achieving your goals. So, how do you push and move forward effectively? How do you put passion into play and be impactful in the industry?

Diane Updyke and her colleagues present valuable tips, value statements, and learnings that every businessperson can benefit from. For a thorough understanding of how to build and execute an effective sales team, get your hands on Diane Updyke’s Building Your Sales Team today.

Building Your Sales Team is part of the THiNKaha series, whose slim and handy books contain 140 well-thought-out AHA messages. Increase your online influence by picking up AHAthat, and easily share quotes from this book on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+ via this link:

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About the Author


Diane Updyke
Diane Updyke


Diane Updyke has grown over six B2B SaaS software sales teams with positive outcomes to companies like BEA, Oracle, and Marketo. The transition from server-based selling to SaaS gives her a broad base of sales methodologies and team growth practices, especially at the early stages of Martech and social platform industries. Diane has focused half of her consulting on sales and marketing alignment and sales funnel development, which has helped over ten startups find traction and growth in the sales funnel. She still loves the game. Currently, Diane is advising and consulting on top-leveling sales teams for tech and non-tech industries. She has also been featured on panels and webcasts, like the Sales Lead Management Channel. Diane also sits on the board of the local chapter for the National Charity League, an organization that directs mother-daughter teams in community service and leadership.

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