Press Release

Discover Personal Branding Tips for Today’s Top Executives from Aha Amplifier

CUPERTINO, CA – March 17, 2015 – “Lori Ruff on Suite Branding” contains curated quotes and insights from the soon-to-be-released ultimate personal branding guide for today’s top-performing professionals and key executives. Lori’s work over the last fifteen years has included personal one-on-one sessions with Fortune 1000 executives and celebrity entrepreneurs.  Lori helps these top performers identify and align their personal brand with their values and passions. Most of these sessions have been  by appointment; others came about during dinner conversation or an impromptu meeting following an event. All included Aha moments impacting both the coached and the coach.

Lori treasures the sharing of hearts as much as a meeting of minds. When complete agreement comes from honest dialogue about someone’s core values and passions, wonderful opportunities begin to present themselves. Celebrate your genius and do something magical today. Read this book, and share Aha messages that resonate with who you are or who you strive to become.

Normally $1.99, this eBook is now available for free for a limited time on the Aha Amplifier:

Becky Robinson, CEO of Weaving Influence, says, “I love the Aha Amplifier. I hope authors everywhere will create Aha Amplifier books to highlight key ideas from their books. Why? Our society learns from 140-character sound bites. As fewer people read books, more authors need to share their content in bite-sized bursts. I can’t wait to work with every author I know to get their content on the Aha Amplifier platform.”

Register for a free account on the Aha Amplifier at The AhaAmplifier helps you increase your influence by amplifying and activating quality “Aha” moments. Each is sharable via Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google+, so you can easily share an important idea or statement with thousands (if not millions) of people.

About the Authors:

Lori Ruff is Chief Branding Officer of ALPFA, the Association of Latino Professionals For America. Advocating transformative professional change, she advocates clear, courageous, and honest communication that inspires others to live their passions.  She encourages open and authentic dialogue in a way that allows all participants to freely express themselves and their ideas in a nurturing environment. Lori maintains a youthful curiositythat allows her to ask questions, think, and stay open to new perspectives.

Her fans call her “The LinkedIn Diva” since Lori is one of the most-connected women on LinkedIn. Lori is a speaker, author and authority on a range of topics such as Relationship-Driven Business Development, presenting an Authentic Online Presence, and Building Community & Engagement. Lori has been named on numerous lists, including every Forbes’ Top 50 Global Social Media Power Influencers, Forbes’ Top 20 Woman Social Media Power Influencer, CEOWorld’s Top Ten Social Media Power Women, AGBeat’s Top 50 Industry Influencer, Top 101 Women in eCommerce, Moody’s 50 Favorite People of 2012 & 2014, Top 10 Web Sources: US Women, #30Bestof Female Bloggers, and Webbiquity’s #Nifty50 Top Twitter Women Writers.

About THiNKaha (

THiNKaha makes it easy to create compelling content that helps to turn corporate experts into recognized thought leaders. THiNKaha services include the Aha Amplifier, thought leadership interviews via Google Hangouts, creating content portals, book publishing, webinar publishing, social media, traditional media coaching and vetted referrals, thought leadership mentoring/coaching, and many other thought leadership services, including the creation and support of corporations’ thought leadership blueprints.

To have us help your corporation amplify its thought leadership, please contact Jenilee Maniti at or at (408) 257-3000.