Press Release
The THiNKaha iTunes App Adds Another In-App Book on How Principals Can Empower Thriving School Teams
CUPERTINO, CA – November 5, 2013 – Unarguably, today’s school principal is the curator of quality instructional and primary custodian of excellent culture. Unfortunately, our school systems are rife with complexities and troubling challenges. School leaders set the tone and table to encourage, equip, and empower “aha” experiences and performance.
In #Servant Leader Principals, Dr. Joe Hill shares his insights on how school leaders can encourage their teams to become successful. In this iTunes app book, Hill defines his servant leader principles, how to set the tone and get to know your teams, and the tools to fine-tune understanding and provide assurance to them. This book reframes the role of the leader and gives release to move from patterns of success toward new heights of significance.
#Servant Leader Principals is a book comprised of 140 well-thought-out quotes available as an in-app purchase of $1.99 in the THiNKaha app available in the iTunes store. A significant advantage of this book is the ease of sharing quotes that stick out with your social network on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+. Download the app for free from the iTunes store, then add this book to your library:
About the Author:
Joseph Hill is an educational leader, blogger, author, life enthusiast and principal owner of edgeGroup Coaching. Dr. Hill is a systems thought leader with expertise in encouraging, equipping and empowering the success in others. The foundation of Dr. Hill’s success model hinges on creating high performance, values aligned cultures through the power of servant leadership principles.
Find Joseph online at or follow him on Twitter @liveleadserve.
About THiNKaha (
THiNKaha turns corporate experts into recognized thought leaders by helping corporations that are already active in social media leverage those activities to reach their audience and increase their business. THiNKaha’s services include book publishing webinar publishing, social media, traditional media coaching, vetted referrals, and many other thought leadership services including the creation and support of a corporations’ thought leadership blueprint.
To have us create a series of in THiNKaha app-only books to help your corporation amplify its thought leadership, please contact Janae Pierre, at or at 408-921-1568.
Press Contact:
Jenilee Maniti
Phone: (408) 257-3000