Press Release

140 Insights to Get Unstuck, Get Going, and Get What You Want

CUPERTINO, CA – February 4, 2015 – Performing and sustaining high levels of achievement, accomplishing all we want, can be challenging and frustrating endeavors. Coupled with complexities of today’s lifestyles, a fast-paced world, and our many roles, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, blocked, or stuck. As a result, progress feels nonexistent, and productivity and performance suffer while procrastination blooms, along with negative self-talk.

“Lynnea Hagen on Stuckness” shares information on the human condition called “stuck,” and offers tips on what individuals and teams can do to get out of their own way, regain focus, renew motivation, and move toward achieving goals. Its 140 bite-sized quotes offer practical, creative, and energizing ways to help “grease the skids of productivity” in ways that require less energy and feature fewer road bumps than mere self-discipline and self-control techniques alone.

A significant advantage of this social media enabled eBook is the ease of sharing “Ahas” that resonate with readers via their social network on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Normally $1.99, this eBook is now available for free for a limited time on the Aha Amplifier:

Becky Robinson, CEO of Weaving Influence, says, “I love the Aha Amplifier. I hope authors everywhere will create Aha Amplifier books to highlight the key ideas from their books. Why? Our society learns from 140-character sound bites. As fewer people read books, more authors need to share their content in bite-sized bursts. I can’t wait to work with every author I know to get their content on the Aha Amplifier platform.”

Sign up for a free account on the Aha Amplifier at to check it out. The Aha Amplifier helps you increase your influence by amplifying and activating quality Aha moments. Each is sharable via Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google+, so you can easily share an important idea or statement with thousands (if not millions) of people.

About the Authors:

Lynnea Hagen is a Higher Ground Leadership™ Coach and “holistic success strategist.” She combines strong business experience with techniques to help the client grow as a human being and leader, all coupled with inspiration and humor. Lynnea holds several coaching certifications, including Executives and Groups, and an MS in Organizational Development from University of San Francisco. In over 25 years of coaching and consulting, she has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs, leaders, and teams achieve more with greater satisfaction in less time. Lynnea is a best-selling author, radio host of “Abundance Leadership,” speaker, and workshop presenter. Her passion is to create organizations that inspire the soul.

About THiNKaha:

THiNKaha makes it easy to create compelling content that helps to turn corporate experts into recognized thought leaders. THiNKaha services include the Aha Amplifier, thought leadership interviews via Google Hangouts, creating content portals, book publishing, webinar publishing, social media, traditional media coaching and vetted referrals, thought leadership mentoring/coaching, and many other thought leadership services, including the creation and support of corporations’ thought leadership blueprints.

To have us help your corporation amplify its thought leadership, please contact Jenilee Maniti at or at (408) 257-3000.