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Instructional designers build learning experiences that enable rapid and deep absorption of new knowledge or assimilation of facts. Traditional instructional design (ID) however, tends to go only half the way because it emphasizes placing the instructor in the driver’s seat. Now, in #SUCCESSFUL CORPORATE LEARNING tweet Book03: Instructional Design for Today’s Professionals, authors Vicki Halsey, S. Chris Edmonds, and Mitchell Levy take ID to its logical pinnacle with their meticulously-conceived Brilliance Model, predicated on putting the learner first. Written in the easy-to-implement Tweet format, the book is peppered with digestible tips and concrete examples to enable and inspire learners. Anybody who wishes to design learning experiences will find that the #SUCCESSFUL CORPORATE LEARNING tweet series demonstrates immediate results!

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Vicki Halsey, Author

Vicki Halsey

S. Chris Edmonds, Author

S. Chris Edmonds

Other author images: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Mitchell Levy, Author

Mitchell Levy

Other author images: 1
CMYK versions for print: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Book Art