THiNKaha Learning Guru Webinars

1THiNKaha Learning Guru Webinars provide a monthly one-hour program that enables our gurus to connect with their audience live on the web and afterwards with a recording of the session. The benefit is sharing your knowledge, expertise and insights with a large participant base without geographical constraints. Where virtual delivery boasts the beauty of flexibility, convenience, and comfort to present a webinar anywhere with little cost, without the face-to-face interaction of an audience, making the webinar as engaging and interactive as a live seminar in person is not easy!

This is where we work with you to:

  • Deliver visual elements that can make your presentation flow.
  • Ensure consistency and style of your presentation.
  • Manage your content within the limited time available to make each and every webinar informative and interactive while leaving room for Q&As at the end.

THiNKaha Learning webinar services help our gurus address these important points, handle the logistics in producing a webinar, and assist our gurus to maximize the power of the webinar tool to communicate effectively and efficiently and build up eminence in the marketplace.

Our services include:

  • Reviewing content:

We go over the webinar presentation to make sure the message is coherent, consistent, and concise. We help to ensure that the ideas that are clearly conveyed; data is convincingly displayed; charts and diagrams enhance the logic and flow of your concepts.

  • Polishing style:

We proof-read the presentation and provide edits to make the content look professional; we provide feedback on visual elements such as images, animation, background, color and text; we want you to highlight what’s important.

  • Coaching on virtual delivery:

We help our gurus to rehearse their presentations and critique both timing and delivery quality; we coach on how to control tone, voice and pace, and how to use pause and transition; we want to ensure your delivery is engaging, powerful and influential.

  • Delivering a Quality User Experience:

We help our gurus build an interactivity plan that includes using pools, drawing tools, sending surveys and starting interactive dialogs via chat with attendees and their peers.

  • Following up after the webinars:

You’ve successfully delivered a webinar, now what? We do attendee analysis to provide information on demographics, potential leads to follow up for individual coaching service from our gurus, questions and feedback from the audience, etc.

  • Managing details and logistics:

The devil is in the details. We do the heavy-lifting on details and logistics so that you can focus on creation and delivery. It is a project management service that covers marketing, registration, coordination, follow-up and all the other necessary elements to pull off a successful series of webinars. 2

Have questions? Please contact:

Webinar Quality Defined: PDF

Expert to Guru Services:  PDF