#ENDURANCE tweet Book01
A Little Nudge to Keep You Going
by Jarie Bolander
Foreword by Mark McGuinness
Virtually everybody, no matter how self-assured, internally motivated, or confident, hits a few rough patches in life. We all know that when we hit a rough spot we could do with a little extra nudge. That nudge may come from family, a caring co-worker, or a special friend. But equally likely, the prod or push can come from reading an inspiring, empathetic book that shows you how to find your way again.
Author Jarie Bolander’s #ENDURANCE tweet is just that kind of book. Jarie wrote it for all of us for when we need a little nudge to keep reaching our goals. Most of us do not look for a book that helps us set our goals–we already have those in mind. What we look for is help getting over the hump; overcoming the inertia that sets in and keeps us from taking the first step and making it all the way towards our goals.
Jarie knows first-hand about the struggle to get going and keep going. With the true passion and grit of an endurance athlete, he has completed more than a dozen triathlons. He knows that the key to achievement is to “out-endure” everybody else. Jarie firmly believes that most of us can, with the right mindset and determination, pull through with winning colors. #ENDURANCE tweet shows the way. With bite-sized wisdom that we can immediately implement, Jarie walks us through breaking down the initial barriers, determining and then pushing our limits, performing at a high level throughout, pushing extra hard as we draw close to the finish line and even, if required, picking ourselves up and starting all over again.
#ENDURANCE tweet inspires its readers to endure through their challenges and succeed. Jarie helps us realize that the secret to success is to endure until you can’t endure anymore. This wonderful new book teaches readers to be motivated to fix firmly on their goals and build the confidence to achieve them.
#ENDURANCE tweet is part of the THiNKaha series whose slim and handy books contain 140 well-thought-out quotations (tweets/ahas).
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“#ENDURANCE tweet is a great collection of powerful words that captures the essence of what it means to endure through life’s challenges. It gives me the positive reinforcement to make the right decisions for the right reasons.”
– London Breed, Executive Director, African American Art and Culture Complex in San Francisco
“Thanks to #ENDURANCE tweet, I now better understand the tricks my ‘inner critic’ uses to get me off track, and what I need to do to be disciplined in my craft: set a steady pace, and keep going, no matter what.”
– Greg Marcus, PhD, Author, Busting Your Corporate Idol: How to Reconnect with Values and Regain Control of Your Life
“I am Endorphin Dude, and in 2011, I completed 52 marathons in 52 weeks. In the end, it was heart that got me to that finish line. That and a whole lot of endurance! I didn’t think of it at the time, but all the concepts in this book applied to me. Follow them and you will reach your goals. I did. I guess that makes me an endurance leader. Woo hoo!”
– Tony “Endorphin Dude” Nguyen, Endurance Athlete, Founder, EndorphinDude.com
“Learning to endure is one of the most essential things you can learn to do if you want to do something meaningful. In most journeys, there is a moment where you decide whether to stay comfortable or keep going. Jarie’s #ENDURANCE tweet will give you that extra push to keep going, when you just might need it most.”
– Joel Runyon, Founder, ImpossibleHQ.com
“All the inspiration you need to do something meaningful in as few words as possible.”
– Tyler Tervooren, Founder, AdvancedRiskology.com
“Jarie distills his wisdom to endure down to its essence and shares it with those of us running around in a frenzied panic. #ENDURANCE tweet helps me to regroup, set my course, ease into a steady pace, and keep enduring!”
– Annie Wilson, Co-founder, San Francisco Fashion Film Festival, Blogger, Poeticandchic.com