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Table of Contents

Section 1: Keep It Short and Sensible (KISS) – Understanding the Market & Strategizing
Section 2: What Everyone Depends Upon: Sales & Marketing, Production, & Delivery
Section 3: The Handshakes that Matter – Managing External & Internal Relationships
Section 4: Self-Reflection – Managing Yourself & Creating Support Structures




Here are some of the well-thought-out quotes/tweets you will find in this book:

#8 You should willingly talk to everyone—friend or competitor—to understand different perspectives & thereby make good decisions.

#32 Deploy strategies that will link identifying your goals with achieving them. In Japanese, this means hoshin kanri, or “pointing direction.”

#90 Make a habit of always delivering on your promises. You will enjoy repeat customers & additional business because of this practice.

#120 As a GM, encourage collaboration between departments to fulfill objectives. Stress that competition is not the key to long-term success.

#128 Ongoing education is a valuable tool for inspiring creativity. Add dimensions to yourself that complement what’s already there.


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Practical Practices for Great Management Results

by Michael Horton

You’re the boss. Not merely of a section or a team or a department but of the whole business. You have people whose jobs depend on you. To get here, you’ve probably had the opportunity to learn from some of the best books out there, including Michael Horton’s bestselling Scrappy General Management.

But in the harried, routinely-chaotic world you navigate now, a world in which you often have many balls up in the air, you find you no longer have the luxury of sitting down and reading management books (or any books!) cover to cover, no matter how relevant those books may be to your situation or how much they can help you. You need a book that you can flip open and learn something that applies to your world…not next week…not tomorrow…but NOW. Simply put, your biggest constraint is neither budget nor resources, but time.

Michael wrote #SCRAPPY GENERAL MANAGEMENT tweetjust for you, so that you can benefit from today’s best management wisdom when you have only minimal time. For example, here’s a situation that may sound familiar–you routinely receive marketing intelligence and need to, consciously or subconsciously, validate it or assign some weight to it. Here’s a tweet from the book that brings it into immediate focus:

Golden rules of marketing intelligence: gossip, if from one source; worthy, if from two sources; data, if from three sources.

How about that tough one you encounter all the time…hiring decisions? How do you build and retain a dynamic and productive workforce? Michael provides this guiding tweet:

If a team is diverse in many dimensions–age, gender, culture, education, and beliefs–it has access to a broader range of ideas and abilities.

When you’re sitting at your desk at a loss for ideas or simply facing the question, ‘What do I do next?’ pull #SCRAPPY GENERAL MANAGEMENT tweet out of your bookshelf, flip it open, and expect to find a scrappy little nugget of wisdom that will make your next management decision just a tweety bit easier.

#SCRAPPY GENERAL MANAGEMENT tweet is part of the THiNKaha series whose 112-page books contain 140 well-thought-out quotes (tweets/ahas).


Read about the AHAthat


About the Author


Michael Horton
Michael Horton


Michael Hortonis Vice President for the Australian Chemical, Energy, and Natural Resources division of Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC), with responsibility for annual revenues of $500 million and a matrix responsibility for 2,000 people. Michael has 28 years’ experience in the Information Technology Industry, 21 years of that in a management capacity, and has been employed at CSC since 1994. During this time, he has held senior management positions in Western Australia, Victoria and New South Wales, Australia. Since 2000 he has also completed challenging assignments based in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Maidstone in the UK and San Diego, USA.

Michael holds an Associate Diploma in Applied Science from Edith Cowan University in Western Australia, a Master of IT Management from Charles Sturt University in New South Wales and is Project Management Institute (PMI) certified. He is married, with two teenage children, and enjoys surfing, sailing and holidaying at every opportunity.