#PLAN to WIN tweet Book01
Build Your Business thru Territory and Strategic Account Planning
by Ron Snyder and Eric Doner
Ask any super salesperson how she or he maximizes results. The response you get is likely to emphasize, either directly or subtly, the value of planning. Successful salespeople are keenly aware that a strategic account plan and a solid territory plan ensure that they make or exceed their numbers. Then why doesn’t every salesperson create exactly such a plan for success?
The issue lies not in the what, but the how. How do you create a strategic account or territory plan? Once you have it, how do you implement such a plan? And finally, how do you measure the success of your plan, so that you can either stick with it or modify your course?
Regardless of how knowledgeable or experienced you are at selling, a good plan will enhance your ability. It will enable you to make better use of your time and resources to produce winning results. To generate an insightful plan, you need to understand the trends in your industry and geography, focus on high-leverage customers and prospects, collaborate with key partners and always keep a keen eye on what the competition is doing.
In #PLAN to WIN tweet, veteran leaders Ron Snyder and Eric Doner walk you through the process. Leveraging their decades of expertise in territory and account planning, they take you through each element of successful planning and implementation in quick, easy-to-absorb lessons. You will learn how to:
- Leverage the trends in your industry, geography, and vertical market segment
- Grow high leverage customers
- Penetrate high-probability target prospects
- Work with partners to improve results
- Develop and implement your action plan and
- Ensure the right level of management engagement
Building successful sales plans is not easy even in good times. It is particularly hard when the economy is troubled. Now, with the wisdom of #PLAN to WIN tweet at your fingertips in the easy-to-action tweet format, expect to create strategic account and territory plans that win you sales numbers others can only dream about!
#PLAN to WIN tweet Book01 is part of the THiNKaha series whose 112-page books contain 140 well-thought-out quotes (tweets/ahas).

Read about the AHAthat
As a bonus, also read How to Write a Sales Territory Plan