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Table of Contents

Foreword by S. Chris Edmonds
Section I: Exploring the Boss-Employee Organizational Model
Section II: Communicating the Rules of Engagement
Section III: Building a Foundation of Mutual Respect
Section IV: Achieving Perfect Alignment with Your Boss

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#MANAGING UP tweet Book01

140 Tips to Building an Effective Relationship with Your Boss

by Tony Deblauwe and Patrick Reilly

Foreword by S. Chris Edmonds

It takes time and effort to cultivate any high quality relationship, and the relationship with your boss is no exception. What is unique about the boss-employee relationship is that it can be a beacon for productivity, job satisfaction, and exceeding business objectives, or it can be a burden, which leads to stress, a drop in morale, and a loss of engagement and progress in one’s career. Successful companies are built on effective relationships both up and down the reporting chain. Conversely, businesses with the greatest chances for success have sometimes faltered simply because they failed to recognize the need to “manage up” the hierarchy.

#MANAGING UP tweet, by organizational experts Tony Deblauwe and Patrick Reilly, is a concise and easy guidebook that helps you successfully navigate the right way to manage your boss to the mutual benefit of both parties and the organization. Each section provides thought provoking and actionable statements that will help you learn how to effectively collaborate with your manager and drive a better connection that positively impacts how each party views job roles, expectations, priorities, and performance. Their concise, direct-to-action tips give you:

  • An overview of the boss-employee relationship
  • How to enter into productive collaboration and negotiation
  • Ways to balance skillful interaction with on-time deliverables
  • Innovative ideas for improving your job satisfaction

Even if you and your boss currently have a great relationship, this book shows you how to increase the level of support, success, and satisfaction you receive in your daily work-life. #MANAGING UP tweet cuts to the chase with bite-sized “bytes” of wisdom that reveal how you can build effective communication and rapport upwards that will reverberate throughout your team.

Tony Deblauwe, founder of HR4Change, and Patrick Reilly, president of Resources in Action, Inc., have extensive experience working with corporations large and small to coach leaders and employees alike how to manage and optimize human relationships in the workplace. Their quick and valuable read will supercharge your productivity, career, and job satisfaction so that you achieve optimum alignment with your boss and the organization.

#MANAGING UP tweet is part of the THiNKaha series whose slim and handy books contain 140 well-thought-out quotes (tweets/ahas).

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About the Authors


Tony Deblauwe
Tony Deblauwe


Tony Deblauwe is the founder of consulting firm HR4Change. For 15 years Tony has worked in several Silicon Valley high-tech companies managing a variety of HR functions. An awarding-winning author, app developer, and blogger, Tony is quoted in several media sources, including TheLadders, CareerBuilder, Monster.com, and CBS MoneyWatch.

Patrick Reilly
Patrick Reilly

Patrick Reilly is President of Resources in Action, Inc., a firm specializing in executive coaching and consulting. He has worked extensively with leaders in the health care, financial services, technology, and utility sectors for more than 25 years, internationally and in the U.S. His passion is getting leaders into action for success and satisfaction. Patrick works primarily with leaders in transition and senior leadership teams and is an expert in dealing with abrasive leaders.


Watch Tony and Patrick detail why learning to step into your boss’s shoes serves your boss, your organization, and your team and how it can help propel your career to the next level:


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