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Table of Contents

Section I: Cultural Transformation: How It Works
Section II: Developing Cultural Agility: The Key to Transformation
Section III: The Role of a Leader in Cultural Transformation
Section IV: Transforming Our Communication Across Cultures
Section V: Sustaining Cultural Transformation



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tweet Book01

Business Advice on Agility and
Communication Across Cultures

by Melissa Lamson

Not so very long ago, corporate careers were defined by geography and stayed pretty much local. A manager worked with customers, vendors and employees in the vicinity, usually within driving distance, and certainly within her or his cultural and time zones. No longer. Virtually any middle manager you talk to today has worked across cultures and geographies with diverse, multicultural and global teams.

As a result of this shift, almost every organization today is experiencing a massive cultural transformation. The accompanying challenges have exponentially complicated the role of the corporate manager and the manner in which an enterprise is steered. The current economic instability, natural events (including calamities), an overhaul in the way we deploy and interact with technology, and increasing cultural diversity have all further strengthened the need for skills in cultural agility and cross cultural communication. Today’s business, with its global perspective, requires insights and creativity in discovering and implementing new strategies in order to facilitate innovative change management processes. Cultural transformation can only happen when leaders apply best practices and expert guidance to crossing cultures and working globally.

Testimonials for Lamson Consulting, the enterprise that author Melissa Lamson heads and drives, have poured forth for years. The organization has been praised for “…tremendous help in our global expansion…” or for invaluable “contribution for…global strategy.” Now Melissa’s keen understanding and grip of cross cultural issues and communication come to you in the eminently actionable and accessible tweet format with her newest book, #CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION tweet. The book is a compilation of cutting-edge advice from Melissa and from other equally talented global business leaders skilled in cultural communication, cultural agility, and change management. If you are responsible for leading cultural transformation in your company or have ever been called upon to steer a team through a change process, particularly a trans-cultural shift, then this book is necessary, and maybe even vital, to your success.

#CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION tweet is part of the THiNKaha series whose 112-page books contain 140 well-thought-out quotes (tweets/ahas).


Read about the AHAthat



#1 Cultural Transformation means changing the foundation of a company. This isn’t easy once the house is built.

#29 Companies can be more fl exible and adaptable with processes and procedures based on their corporate culture.

#57 A company can only change its culture if senior leaders are of one heart, one mind, and one voice.

#100 When designing business processes, allow for some regional and cultural variation. This will also help to better serve ustomers!

#139 Transparency in the process is what distinguishes a transformative approach from a change initiative.


About the Authors


Roger C. Parker
Melissa Lamson


Melissa Lamson is a pioneer in the fields of cultural transformation and global business development. Her proprietary Cultural Transformation methodology called Agility, Communication and Transformation, or ACT™ has helped organizations around the globe create the common values, businesses practices, and behaviors that are the hallmarks of productive and innovative company cultures. Always forthcoming with sharing her experience and expertise, Melissa has authored several books including No Such Thing as Small Talk: 7 Keys to Understanding German Business Culture, and has contributed to journals, magazines, and books.

Melissa has lived in France, Germany, Mexico, Spain, and the United States. In 2008, she was named one of the top 25 female entrepreneurs in Europe and received an award for her work in diversity from the German Ministry of Cultural Affairs. She is regularly invited to speak about cultural transformation to corporations and also teaches courses for executive MBA programs globally. None other than the European Wall Street Journal has called her an award-winning consultant with an award-winning personality!